Review of special packager access

Eric Hameleers alien at
Fri Jul 8 14:49:33 UTC 2016

On Fri, 8 Jul 2016, Ben Cooksley wrote:

> Hi all,
> My apologies if you're not a packager or someone associated with a
> distribution - you can ignore this email. Packagers, please read on as
> this contains important details.
> First: If you're a packager, please ensure you are subscribed to
> kde-distro-packagers at, which is our usual list for
> communicating with packagers. It would seem a number of you are
> missing from there :)
> Prompted by a recent email I took a look at the list of accounts (one
> per distribution) which are provided in order to facilitate early
> access to packages - however for many i've no idea who would be the
> relevant point of contact.
> I'd therefore like for someone from each distribution to please
> confirm that their distro is still active and who can serve as a
> general point of contact for that distribution. It would also be
> appreciated if folks could check over their ~/.ssh/authorized keys
> file and remove any outdated keys.
> If your distribution has completely lost access, please have someone
> with an email address belonging to that distribution's domain email
> sysadmin at to sort that out.
> KDE servers normally use a format something like this to clearly label
> whose key(s) are whose, for those that might find it helpful.:
> ## Name <email.address at domain>
> ssh-rsa....
> ## Next Name....
> The list of accounts, which should approximately correspond to
> distributions, is as follows:
> - Active
> - Aix
> - Aosc
> - Archlinux
> - Arklinux
> - Asplinux
> - Bluewhite64
> - Chakra
> - Conectiva
> - Crux
> - Darwin
> - Debian
> - Exherbo
> - Fedora
> - FreeBSD
> - Gentoo
> - Kaos
> - Mageia
> - Magic
> - Mandriva
> - Meego
> - NetBSD
> - OpenBSD
> - PCLinuxOS
> - PLD
> - Redhat
> - Rpath
> - Siduction
> - Slackware
> - Slamd64
> - SUSE
> - Tld
> - Tru64
> - Tukaani
> - Turbo
> - Ubuntu
> - Uludag
> - Uoirix
> - Uomandriva
> - Uosolaris
> - Vine
> - Yellow
> - Yoper
> In two weeks time we'll go ahead and disable ones we don't get a response from.
> Thanks,
> Ben Cooksley
> KDE Sysadmin

I confirm that Slackware is still alive and using the early access to 
the KDE source tarballs.
You can use the following contacts:
Patrick Volkerding <volkerdi at>
Eric Hameleers <alien at>

Note that as far as I know, Bluewhite64 and Slamd64 (two Slackware 
64bit spinoffs from before Slackware had its own 64bit edition) are 
dead for years now. And Tukaani is no longer a (slackware based) 
distro but now only develops XZ compression tools.

Cheers, Eric

Eric Hameleers <alien at>

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