libkvkontakte 4.12.0

Alexander Potashev aspotashev at
Tue Jun 30 09:57:51 UTC 2015


I forgot to send the checksums in the previous email, attaching them now.

Alexander Potashev

2015-06-29 13:12 GMT+03:00 Alexander Potashev <aspotashev at>:
> Dear packagers,
> Here you can find the tarball for the stable libkvkontakte 4.12.0 release:
> The upcoming kipi-plugins 4.12.0 is going to depend on libkvkontakte 4.12.0
> because the class Vkontakte::VkApi was moved into the library.
> Thanks for packaging!
-------------- next part --------------
SHA256Sum: 4229f0e6b21451d04b9ff5cdc965a2eb9b9dd4a73d51ac52ec7b53ad2ec6cd02  libkvkontakte-4.12.0.tar.xz
SHA1Sum: 51232c697dcc02231e210dc6b309aa7c7b4ceecc  libkvkontakte-4.12.0.tar.xz
MD5Sum: 66384c06c3d4da129169eaf042f5daa0  libkvkontakte-4.12.0.tar.xz

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