Baloo, Baloo-widgets in KDE Applications 14.12 vs Plasma 5.1

Albert Astals Cid aacid at
Thu Oct 30 00:10:29 UTC 2014

I just realized we have this situation:

 * Plasma 5.1 released baloo from master (kf5 based)
 * baloo-widgets master (kf5 based) is unreleased

Is anyone neededing baloo-widgets kf5 in this release?

kde-build-metadata tells me only kde-baseapps uses baloo-widgets which is good 
since kde-baseapps is not kf5 based yet.

The question then is, what do i do with baloo and baloo-widgets in the KDE 
Applications 14.12 release?

Shipping the kf5 version seems fighting with the Plasma 5.1 release, so that's 
not good.

So i guess we either ship a kdelibs4 version or simply don't ship it at all 
and people use the 4.14.x one.



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