4.9.3 tarballs available (for packagers)

Ralf Jung post at ralfj.de
Wed Nov 7 21:58:39 UTC 2012

Hi list,

thanks for doing another KDE release :)
For those of us building from source checked out via git (like me), it'd
be great if someone could push the v4.9.3 tags to the repositories.

Thanks a lot!

On 02/11/12 01:38, Albert Astals Cid wrote:
> The tarballs can be found in their usual embargo location (available only to 
> packagers)
> I'm attaching the sha1sum of the tarballs and the branches, hashes/revisions 
> from which they have been created.
> l10n tarballs are missing (expect them tomorrow)
> I have not yet compiled the tarballs locally (will do tomorrow).
> Cheers,
>   Albert
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