Why are 4.8.80 packages already out in the wild?

Albert Astals Cid aacid at kde.org
Sun Jun 3 22:36:53 UTC 2012

El Dilluns, 4 de juny de 2012, a les 00:26:29, Kevin Kofler va escriure:
> On Sunday 03 June 2012, Albert Astals Cid wrote:
> > I know, and that's an abuse of the privilege we give them having the
> > packages before the release.
> How does it hurt to have unreleased packages in an unreleased Fedora? 

It's not about hurting or not (that it does, see how Martin got confused and 
probably lost time wondering how something like that could be happening).

It is about releasing (yes, putting an rpm in a public ftp *is* releasing) 
unreleased code.

You are putting in people's hands code from a tarball that does not yet exist, 
and that's breaking the confidence we gave you.

We gave you early access so you could prepare the release, not so you could 
put the packages out before we make an official annoucement.

> We are
> NOT pushing packages of a new release to Fedora releases (not even their
> updates-testing repositories, let alone the stable updates) before the
> official announcement (and in this case, it's a beta release, so it will
> not go to the releases at all, builds for stable Fedora releases will only
> be available in the unofficial kde-unstable repository, if and as they are
> ready). We also ALWAYS respin the packages when tarballs are respun, to
> make sure our users always get the final tarballs (even when the changes do
> not affect us or have already been applied as patches).
> > I'll try to get the release team to define what are the reasons and
> > obligations of having the privilege of accessing packages on the ftp
> > server
> > before they are released to the broader public.
> The reason is obvious: Creating and compiling packages takes time! The
> prereleased tarballs are the only way we can release packages anywhere near
> the official release day. And even then they're usually only finished a few
> days after your announcement, especially for beta releases, where the
> announcement has historically always been very quick (This is the first
> time it takes so long.). Even now I don't think we will be done with the
> packages on Monday. For example, new and newly split packages need to go
> through package review, this takes time.

I know building packages take time, that's why we give you early access, you 
should build the packages but you should not publish them before they are 

If your packaging system does not support that maybe you need to refine your 

> > If you are interested in such a discussion i suggest you to subscribe to
> > the release-team list.
> Decisions which directly affect packagers MUST also be CCed to kde-packager.
> But I CCed release-team on this mail so everyone gets it.

Sorry, but no, this is a release team matters, since it's a privilege we, the 
releas team, are giving you, the packagers.

We need to decide under which terms those privileges happen. Letting the 
packagers decide decide which rights they get, would be be like politicians 
deciding the salary policitians get, a mess.


>         Kevin Kofler

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