Review Request: Manage m_preview->deco pointer around plugin juggling

Martin Gräßlin kde at
Wed Jul 25 19:43:36 UTC 2012

> On July 25, 2012, 2:30 p.m., Martin Gräßlin wrote:
> > I would appreciate if this would go into 4.9.0.
> > 
> > Short summary for the release team:
> > * third party decorations (namely QtCurve and keramik) implemented an internal and unstable API for window decorations
> > * this API is called KDecoration*Unstable* to prevent anyone having the awesome idea to implement it
> > * we ensured that KWin and Systemsettings do not crash when an incompatible deco is found
> > * for Systemsettings there was a small bug which might lead to a crash (see referenced bug)
> > * I would like to not ship with a known crasher
> > * I hope I correctly summarized it :-)
> Thomas Lübking wrote:
>     No worry, i'm back in civilization and will have usable access to my system in time ;-)
>     Also, despite what Ben said, 4.9 is not yet frozen - so we *should* still be permitted to just push?!
>     About the crasher fixed here  - API safety is not related. Was the general "make it snappier" commit.
>     I introduced it by attempting to stop (long time present) leaking plugins (and unloading them as well)
>     Ultimately this (and similar usage) was very likey the source of the GHNS crashes as well, the preview/plugin link is not robust in this regard.
> Albert Astals Cid wrote:
>     Yes, 4.9 is still not frozen, freeze starts at 23:59 UTC today (in around 9 hours)

Let me just point out that the freezes are confusing. I re-read the mail before writing it and completely mixed up the date. Can we please work on that for 4.10 and yes I volunteer to write any git hooks to properly freeze the branches (though I would prefer someone competent working on that).

- Martin

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On July 25, 2012, 2:30 p.m., Thomas Lübking wrote:
> -----------------------------------------------------------
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> -----------------------------------------------------------
> (Updated July 25, 2012, 2:30 p.m.)
> Review request for kwin, Release Team and Martin Gräßlin.
> Description
> -------
> it is mandatory to manage loadPlugin() and destroyPreviousPlugin() using disablePreview()
> loadPlugin() moves the present factory pointer to "old_fact" which is then deleted by the succeeding destroyPreviousPlugin()
> I also left a warning into the sources for our heirs ;-)
> This addresses bug 304026.
> Diffs
> -----
>   kwin/kcmkwin/kwindecoration/decorationmodel.cpp 3d3bb86 
>   kwin/kcmkwin/kwindecoration/preview.h 20ee869 
>   kwin/kcmkwin/kwindecoration/preview.cpp fe802c7 
> Diff:
> Testing
> -------
> Yes, quite some.
> I'm pretty sure this is it and that a sanitation on recreate is not necessary for commented reasons.
> The actual troublemaker was the BorderSizesRole implementation
> /me wonders whether we can now also shortcut if (lib->loaded()) - gonna try that tonight.
> I *may* be not be back in time (but i doubt so), so iff i've not acted on call until 22:00 CEST just push this and the other one or two reviews in a row before the freeze on my behalf. Thanks.
> Thanks,
> Thomas Lübking

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