Release Script

Scott Kitterman kde at
Tue Jul 3 20:52:36 UTC 2012

On Tuesday, July 03, 2012 07:25:13 PM Michael Jansen wrote:
> > I do not disagree here, BUT have in mind that since we have private
> > packages (used/tested by distro packagers before the release actually
> > happens) so YOU is a broad term including the packagers.
> >
> > 
> >
> > > For KDE would say someone else should decide. We could make a release
> > > if we have to repackage stuff. But the packagers distros should
> > > give input here. I think they should say what is the easiest for them to
> > > handle.
> >
> > 
> >
> > I'm sure having a micro release is going to break their scripts that just
> > expect 3 numbers.
> I really would like to have some input of real packagers here. I am
> inclined  to say if noone speaks up now they have to live with whatever we
> come up afterwards. I am not caring for people who only complain after
> stuff is done when they kept silent while it was discussed and designed.
> INPUT guys. NOW.

For Kubuntu the key thing is that version numbers monotonically increase and 
that the version number changes each time the contents change.  If we have a 
script that gets confused by a fourth digit I think it's buggy and we should 
fix it.

Currently, when packages are in the private testing phase we internally 
increment the versions with additional letters when a tarball gets respun 
(i.e. change 4.8.80 to 4.8.80a when the private tarball is changed).  I'm not 
sure the full context of the discussion, but if what's on the table might 
include a fourth digit for these private respins, that would make things 
easier for Kubuntu.

Scott K

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