Version 4.9.0 in Bugzilla

Albert Astals Cid aacid at
Tue Aug 7 18:24:33 UTC 2012

El Dimarts, 7 d'agost de 2012, a les 09:30:28, Jeroen van Meeuwen va escriure:
> Hi there,
> I'm getting complaints no version 4.9.0 exists in Bugzilla, for KDE SC.

KDE SC has no single versioning scheme, e.g. okular is at 0.15.0 so there's no 
way to know which version each program uses other than 
running program --version
checking if it is in bugzilla
if not add it

Those people complaining surely are complaining about some programs, let's get 
a list of them.


> Since last I checked there's a hundred-someodd tarballs involved, I'm afraid
> I'm not fully up to speed on which corresponding products in Bugzilla are
> involved.
> Can anyone help me out with a list and/or make the necessary changes in
> Bugzilla and let me know?
> Thank you,
> Kind regards,
> Jeroen van Meeuwen

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