No more release schedules.

Sebastian Kügler sebas at
Thu Jun 9 19:53:20 CEST 2011

Hi Tom,

On Thursday, June 09, 2011 17:28:13 Tom Albers wrote:
> Since it seems some modules are going to have their own numbers and some
> modules will have a different (git) workflow, which will inevitably result
> in different release schedules, I propose we stop producing the central
> release schedule as we have now.

Weren't you the one proposing that subprojects should adopt their own git 
workflows? I'm quite puzzled about how problematic this would be.

> So is the last
> one we provide. From here on, I think it would be best if the module
> maintainer or the particular git maintainer sets up a release schedule for
> their own module / repo. He can use the sofware in
> playground/utils/releaseschedule for their convenience.

Are you serious that you want to decouple the release of our frameworks from 
each other? THat would create a huge mess, extreme amounts of overhead, be 
very destructive to our community... This puzzles me as I know how much you 
love KDE.

> Of course this list can be used to coordinate a combined release between
> modules and what not.

Coordinate? We *create* releases and manage them.

> Even if this plan is vetoed away, I personally will not make a new schedule,
> as I have no idea how to do that in the new setup and I've little interest
> in studying the new setup.

I strongly veto your idea. What you are proposing is very destructive to KDE.

Frankly, I think you're overreacting, also I don't see what you're doing here. 
Instead of trying to push your idea onto us in a very polarizing way "this is 
what will happen unless you veto", how about you help us implement the changes 
needed in our release and development process? It's really not *THAT* hard to 
imagine how this can look like. If you can't, then we can discuss that.

Frankly, this looks like one big misunderstanding at best, or emotional 
overreaction at worst In any case, let's clear this up instead of making 
headless chicken proposals.

If you decide to just walk away, that's fine, and we'll find someone else who 
does it. But please, don't try to set the house on fire before leaving it.

Best regards,
sebas | | GPG Key ID: 9119 0EF9

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