Update the feature plan!

Sebastian Kügler sebas at kde.org
Wed May 26 13:58:01 CEST 2010

Hi everybody,

The release and promo teams are working on the communication around the 
release of KDE SC 4.5.0 in August. In order to effectively communicate the 
changes in this release, we need your help. It does not cost more than a few 
minutes, but it's your opportunity to help the promo team and maybe even gain 
fame (for you, and your cool software).

Please update the feature plan on 

- Mark features that are done green
- Mark features that are green, but not done either yellow or red
- Do not add new features
- Do not remove features, but give them appropriate coloring
- Update the description (someone who knows about KDE, but not necessarily 
  about the application of component in question should be able to understand 

This feature plan will be distilled into a human-readable set of release 
notes, amended with more information, screenshots and screencasts. As the 
feature plan is the basis for all the communication around 4.5.0, it's very 
important to have it as complete and accurate as possible.

Thanks for your collaboration!

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