Thoughts on freeze policy for kdesdk/scripts?

Michael Pyne mpyne at
Fri Jun 25 01:38:55 CEST 2010

Hi all,

I'm wondering if we have any special policy/exemptions for the development 
freeze for the scripts in kdesdk/scripts. Typically they are for use by KDE 
platform developers and so it seems to me that they wouldn't necessarily fall 
under a development freeze like the Software Compilation or Platform.

I've developed under such a philosophy before with kdesvn-build, although I've 
stopped that awhile ago as I started to wonder whether it made sense to break 
freeze with kdesvn-build as more people use it.

The reason I ask is that I'm thinking of going ahead with changing the name of 
kdesvn-build to kdesrc-build (for lack of a better descriptive name) due to 
the progress of implementing a git-based source repository for KDE, especially 
since I haven't made a release since December. We *do* have the 4.5 release 
coming up though, and kdesvn-build is technically installed as part of kdesdk.

So does it make sense to go ahead with a name-change-and-release, or should I 
do the release now and wait a bit to change the name?

And who do I email to get KDE-based web hosting for the tool, since my current 
donor apparently doesn't have a static IP anymore?

 - Michael Pyne
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