KDE 4.3 Beta1 packages (4.2.85)

Volker Krause vkrause at kde.org
Thu May 7 18:37:14 CEST 2009

On Thursday 07 May 2009 16:58:36 Tom Albers wrote:
> At Thursday 07 May 2009 16:18, you wrote:
> > At Thursday 07 May 2009 16:12, you wrote:
> > > Hi,
> > >
> > > I've generated a first set of KDE 4.3 beta1 tarballs last night based
> > > on the 4.2.85 tag that I created before, and it doesn't look good, a
> > > lot of modules fails to compile for me, and I'm still busy figuring out
> > > how to fix them .
> > >
> > > the failures I see are essentially equivalent to what is on
> > > http://ktown.kde.org/~dirk/dashboard/
> > >
> > > Please help to get this resolved, otherwise it doesn't make sense to
> > > upload the beta1 tarballs.
> > >
> > >
> > > Thanks,
> > > Dirk
> >
> > There's also the problem that the tagging was a day later than expected,
> > and exactly that day someone made a protocol change in Akonadi. So
> > although it will compile with the 1.1.85 akonadi tarball, it won't work.
> > I'll fix it as soon as I get a reply on this issue on the kdepim
> > mailinglist and I find some time...

that's mainly my fault, I did approve this commit without carefully enough 
checking if the tagging already happend (I was slightly disconnected due to 
travel). I'm very sorry that kdepim again broke the tag :-(

> Pimlibs tag has been changed to not include that commit.
> So the 1.1.85 akonadi tarball *can* be used with the kdepimlibs tarball
> Dirk will provide.

Thanks, that was the solution I would have suggested as well.

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