[kde-doc-english] KDE 4.1 Documentation/Handbook Milestone

Richard A. Johnson nixternal at kubuntu.org
Wed May 21 17:28:42 CEST 2008

On Wednesday 21 May 2008, Allen Winter wrote:
| Howdy,
| Um.. .we forgot to put in a separate milestone for Doc/Handbook changes.
| Unless there are objections, I'd like to create one for 3 June 2008.

That means we better get to work fast :)  There is a ton of documentation to be 
done and I am afraid it will not all get completed for 4.1 unfortunately.

| This gives another 2 weeks for creating content.
| Then we have about 6 weeks for translations before RC1 is tagged.

Thanks for the heads up Allen!

Richard A. Johnson
nixternal at kubuntu.org
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