Fwd: KDE 4/windows naming
Christian Ehrlicher
Ch.Ehrlicher at gmx.de
Wed May 21 14:02:22 CEST 2008
I somehow mixed kde-packager and release-team - hope this is now the correct list :)
I'm thinking about a proper naming for the first official KDE4/windows release which should come with KDE4.1 when I'm correct.
I would propose 'KDE 4.1/windows (alpha)'. Calling it beta would suggest that 4.2 maybe will become stable but I don't think this is possible with the current manpower and the short release cycle (no discussions on the release cycle please - this is another topic).
I won't call it beta because we've a lot of internal things to do which most of them aren't directly visible to the user but will affect any KDE program running on windows:
- the dbus-daemon uses tcp/ip which is a huge security concern. It also doesn't distinguish between system and session,
- the communication between kded, klauncher and others work but I think there're a lot of pitfalls in there where we're not yet aware of (need a wider testing)
- the system integration for the kcm modules isn't started - I think most of the modules which work on windows should not only affect KDE programs.
- minor: a lot of apps still don't have a proper icon / the icon name changed but nobody adjusted kde4_add_icon() macro :(
- Some shared libs are still installed into /lib instead /bin which needs an adjustment of the PATH variable. A normal windows user can't do this.
- The packaging process (which currently eats most of my time... :( ) needs some improvements to pack each application instead the whole package like it's done now.
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