Please keep KDevelop+KDevPlatform out of KDE 4.1

Andreas Pakulat apaku at
Sat May 3 09:55:18 CEST 2008


on behalf of the KDevelop team I'd like to ask the release-team to not
do any further releases of the kdevelop or kdevplatform module for KDE

We won't have something releaseable in the proposed deadlines, so it
doesn't make sense to ship further alpha or beta releases for those two

As before the 4.0 release this also affects kdewebdev/quanta, which also
can't be released due to the dependency on kdevplatform (and they're not
ready either). I don't know the state of other apps in kdewebdev, so
just disabling compilation of quanta in that module should be ok.


You will experience a strong urge to do good; but it will pass.

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