Extragear plasma for 4.0.1

Tom Albers tomalbers at kde.nl
Sat Jan 26 13:12:20 CET 2008

Op Saturday 26 January 2008 13:09 schreef u:
> A Dissabte 26 Gener 2008, Tom Albers va escriure:
> > Hi,
> >
> > I asked on IRC, but got no direct answer. What is the policy for
> > extragear-plasma? Is it based on trunk or the branch. In other words, do I
> > need to make a tarball for 4.0.1 or is 4.1.0 the next time a tarball will
> > be available for the users?
> There is no extragear KDE4 branch so extragear-plasma from trunk is already 
> using trunk plasma API that if changed makes them incompatible with 4.0, 
> right?

No, the plasma devels could have decided to keep extragear-plasma compatible with kde branch. 

There is historically no direct relationship between extragear trunk and kde trunk and extragear stable and kde stable.


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