kdeutils maintainer? khexedit program unmaintained

Friedrich W. H. Kossebau kossebau at kde.org
Thu Jan 3 14:28:29 CET 2008

Am Donnerstag, 3. Januar 2008, um 11:28 Uhr, schrieb Dirk Mueller:
> On Sunday 30 December 2007, Friedrich W. H. Kossebau wrote:
> > Noone able to answer this? So I should decide? Well, I will move the
> > program files of KHexEdit (but not the Okteta parts in the subdirs) to
> > tags/unmaintained/4 tomorrow, that is on Monday 31.12., then, if noone
> > minds.
> I would consider you to be the maintainer.

You=Friedrich? No, I am not. 
While I fixed a few little things in the program KHexEdit in KDE3 times I was 
always concentrating on a new implementation of a byte editor, named Okteta 
(for proof see [P]), because I wanted to experiment with code architectures.
The program part of the Okteta project is currently developed at 

> So if you find time to port it 
> to KDE 4.0 (I thought that is done already?)

Is ported to compile, yet some things where Qt changed the concepts are not 
fully ported, like drawing the cursor in PaintEvents etc. And when testing it 
a little I had a few crashes. But that was just a short test, after which I 
tried to "alarm" someone responsible for the kdeutils module. But the 
interest seemed low.

[P] http://frinring.wordpress.com/2006/06/06/fun-with-khexedit/


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