kdeutils cleanup

Friedrich W. H. Kossebau kossebau at kde.org
Mon Apr 28 18:35:28 CEST 2008

Am Montag, 28. April 2008, um 18:13 Uhr, schrieb Tom Albers:
> Op maandag 28 april 2008 18:00 schreef u:
> > You can't be serious.
> > If we try to put this sort of advanced calculator instead kcalc, my
> > company at least will have some customer complain heavily on their 20k
> > machines deplyed with KDE for common users..
> >
> > I'm strongly against this kind of replacement.
> You can't be serious:
> - I can not use the . on my keypad, i need to use a , for decimal
> separation. - if i do 6,6 + 6,6 I end up with the attached screenshot.
> *that* will result in heavily complaining customers.
> Kcalc version: 2.2 / KDE 4.0.69

Oha, indeed. I forwarded your bug report to the current maintainer David 
Johnson ;)


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