[RFC] Draft Roadmap for KDE 4.0

Gunnar Schmi Dt gunnar at schmi-dt.de
Wed Mar 7 21:44:33 CET 2007


On Wednesday 07 March 2007 14:59, Tom Albers wrote:
> [...] I shall compose a 'definite' schedule based on my
> first mail with some small changes requested in this thread. I will
> probably do that this evening, so we can iron out any remaining issues
> and prepare the mail to kde-core-devel.

I want to suggest that we also write a mail to the HCI workgroup 
(kde-hci at kde.org) in order to adjust the schedule to the needs of the 
usability and accessibility people.

I know that from an accessibility point of view it is necessary that KDE 
4.0 depends on Qt 4.3 because the support for assistive technologies will 
only be available for that version. (Does anyone know when Trolltech plans 
to release Qt 4.3?) There might be other things that need to be 
implemented in the libs for the human-interface-guidelines.

Gunnar Schmi Dt
Co-maintainer of the KDE Accessibility Project
Maintainer of the kdeaccessibility package
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