Freezing the kdesupport library APIs

Jos van den Oever jos at
Thu Jun 21 23:08:36 CEST 2007

On 6/21/2007, "Allen Winter" <winter at> wrote:
>We, the KDE 4.0 release team, are attempting to get our core APIs
>to a stable state.  Toward that goal, we need to know if will be
>possible to have your kdesupport library APIs frozen by
>the KDE 4.0 beta1 tagging, scheduled for late July 2007.
>i.e, we'd like to have qca, strigi, soprano, and eigen APIs
>frozen by late July 2007.
>Please let us know by responding to release-team at
>as soon as you can.

The Strigi APIs will also be able to freeze than. Thanks to various KDE
developers the APIs improved a lot. I'll go over it again and might
exclude some headers for the freeze. However, all public APIs used by
KDE will freeze.

This means all headers installed from src/streams and src/streamanalyzer.
The only exceptions might be query.h and analyzerconfiguration.h. I'll
take care to make them extensible without breaking ABI.


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