Are We Ready? Beta1 vs. Alpha3

Rex Dieter rdieter at
Sat Jul 21 20:51:51 CEST 2007

Allen Winter wrote:
> No, I don't think we are ready for a beta release and the API + Feature Freeze
> that goes with a beta release.
> I think we should tag an Alpha3 on 25 July and extend our freeze dates
> forward another month.
> Then try again for a Beta1 on 25 Aug.
> This probably means delaying KDE 4.0 for at least 1 month, ie. 23 Nov.
For anyone who missed Mark Shuttleworth's akademy talk... he stressed 
the absolute importance of regular, reliable release cycles.  Not 
sticking to release schedules sucks.  Don't hold releases hostage for 

This would pretty much screw us trying to ship kde4 (as the default kde 
desktop) for fedora 8 (which *is*, err maybe *was* the plan).

My totally biased suggestion: try harder to stick to schedule as much as 
possible, which means
* hold folks accountable to get their sh*t fixed (I know... isn't always 
possible in an opensource/volunteer world)... or...
* drop features that aren't ready.

That said, I can totally understand the temptation to push back the 
release.  There's a whole lot of work yet to do to get kde-4.0 into 
release shape.  I'm just not sure lowering expectations (and slipping) 
will necessarily yield the results you're looking for.

-- Rex

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