What to do about Kompare?

Matt Rogers mattr at kde.org
Thu Dec 13 14:08:32 CET 2007

Hash: SHA1

On Dec 13, 2007, at 5:49 AM, Sebastian Kuegler wrote:

> On Thursday 13 December 2007 12:35:29 Mauricio Piacentini wrote:
>>  >I think we might want to bump pretty quickly to a 4.1 release and
>>  >that's when we can enable it again (and move some games and  
>> kaider and
>>  >maybe the ssl tree).
>> Yes, I also think we should not wait more than 3-4 months, and  
>> plan 4.1
>> to the end of April, or May. We all know 4.0 is a release that  
>> will not
>> have everything we need, but at this time we need to have it out :
>> a) with only the components that are working and have been  
>> minimally tested
>> b) soon so that the tree can open again, for new strings, new  
>> ports, new
>> apps
> I support this. What I have in mind is roughly the following:
> 4th Jan: tagging 4.0, then release
> End of January: 4.0.1 (and possible more bugfix releases as necessary)
> End of January: Opening up trunk/ for features again
> End of March: Feature freeze in trunk
> End of April: 4.1
> I'm especially curious how easily we'll be able to stabilise 4.1  
> then. Based
> on that we should decide on some general release schedule strategy,  
> and
> possibly consider a time-based schedule.
> How do people feel about this as rough planning?
> -- 

How about starting a new thread for it instead?
- --

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