[rekonq] Review Request: Rekonq Migration to Nepomuk2

David Narváez david.narvaez at computer.org
Sun Jan 6 22:39:20 UTC 2013

> On Jan. 6, 2013, 5:39 p.m., Andrea Diamantini wrote:
> > Seems good to me. Please, merge as soon you two (David and Vishesh) are ok with the patch. Can you just explain me a couple of things?
> > first, is Nepomuk2 yet available? I was thinking it was 5.0 material. Second, what about the "nepomuk" dir included? will it go away in 5.0?

It's the other way around: Npeomuk2 is 4.9 material because otherwise we'd have to wait until KDE Frameworks to improve Nepomuk in API-breaking ways. The nepomuk dir includes things that were not ported to Nepomuk2 and I don't know exactly what will happen with them and when.

- David

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On Jan. 4, 2013, 4:56 a.m., David Narváez wrote:
> -----------------------------------------------------------
> This is an automatically generated e-mail. To reply, visit:
> http://git.reviewboard.kde.org/r/108152/
> -----------------------------------------------------------
> (Updated Jan. 4, 2013, 4:56 a.m.)
> Review request for rekonq and Vishesh Handa.
> Description
> -------
> As we move forward with Rekonq 2  I think it is a good opportunity to jump to Nepomuk2. I had to copy some models that are not (yet?) available in Nepomuk2 and I'm including Vishesh who knows best about the migration process.
> Diffs
> -----
>   CMakeLists.txt 11015c5 
>   config-nepomuk.h.cmake fe7364f 
>   src/CMakeLists.txt 143f9dc 
>   src/bookmarks/bookmarkowner.h 6a18c23 
>   src/bookmarks/bookmarkowner.cpp ba2d8f6 
>   src/bookmarks/bookmarkscontextmenu.cpp 69cde75 
>   src/nepomuk/utils/nepomukutils_export.h PRE-CREATION 
>   src/nepomuk/utils/resourcemodel.h PRE-CREATION 
>   src/nepomuk/utils/resourcemodel.cpp PRE-CREATION 
>   src/nepomuk/utils/simpleresourcemodel.h PRE-CREATION 
>   src/nepomuk/utils/simpleresourcemodel.cpp PRE-CREATION 
>   src/urlbar/bookmarkwidget.h 39f6fbd 
>   src/urlbar/bookmarkwidget.cpp e266a07 
>   src/urlbar/newresourcedialog.h 651c631 
>   src/urlbar/newresourcedialog.cpp 39cffc3 
>   src/urlbar/resourcelinkdialog.h e628aa1 
>   src/urlbar/resourcelinkdialog.cpp 799171f 
> Diff: http://git.reviewboard.kde.org/r/108152/diff/
> Testing
> -------
> 1. Tagged a bookmark using Rekonq 2 before this patch
> 2. Recompiled and reinstalled Rekonq 2 with this patch
> 3. Confirmed the old bookmark is kept, with the correct tags
> 4. Added a new bookmark and tagged it
> 5. Checked that both tags are available in the tag dialog elsewhere in my KDE Desktop
> Thanks,
> David Narváez

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