[rekonq] Rekonq - Create Third Toolbar?

andrea diamantini adjam7 at gmail.com
Wed Jun 27 14:09:48 UTC 2012

Hi John,
not sure I understood your problem, but it seems to me you don't need to
code at all. Just start rekonq, right click on the main toolbar and edit
it. Then, move urlbar in the first place and move the other actions after
it. That's all!
Misunderstood something?

2012/6/27 John A. Bilicki III <jab_creations at yahoo.com>

> Hello,
> I hope you folks don't mind a basic question, I wasn't able to find any
> Rekonq forums. I'm looking to make a toolbar between the main toolbar and
> the tabs toolbar so I can move the address bar to the left and then have
> favicon-only shortcuts to the right of it for single-click access. I've
> explored the GUI and can't seem to find any way to do this; is there
> currently or plans to allow this in the future? What GUI options there are
> easily stand on par with Firefox and Opera and I really like the ability to
> allow text labels per item instead of a forced static preset. Thanks for
> your time!
> John Bilicki III
> http://www.jabcreations.com/
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Andrea Diamantini
WEB: http://www.adjam.org

rekonq project
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