[rekonq] Activities

Anton Kreuzkamp akreuzkamp at web.de
Thu Jun 14 12:56:28 UTC 2012

On Thursday 14 June 2012 17:29:39 Lindsay Mathieson wrote:
> On Tue, 12 Jun 2012 08:22:02 PM Anton Kreuzkamp wrote:
> > Damn it. This is what I would have answered. What exactly are you working
> > on?  I have implemented session-support using the sessionmanagement-code
> > from Tirtha's GSOC-Project and added a simpler html based interface. It
> > currently supports starting, stopping(close window;) ), creation (open new
> > window;) ) and deletion of sessions and already works like a charm.
> > Activity-support is not yet there, but to come. I hope we haven't done the
> > work twice...
> Maybe I'm confused and mistaking terms, but don't we already have fully
> function session restore support in rekonq and have had for some time? its
> just missing Activity awareness.
Sorry, my wording was unprecise...

What I mean is multi-session-support, like KDevelop has, so the possibility to 
have not only one session, you can restore, but to have as many sessions as 
you wish and to be able to start and stop them as desired.

So I have one session where I researched about the summer-holidays and one 
session where I had opened the Qt Reference Documentation for rekonq-hacking. 
You already see, that these of course have to able to be connected to 
Activities ;)
(of course there can be a session where you investigated an error and didn't 
finish. This would be something where you simply want to save it without having 
an extra activity for it)


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