[rekonq] Concept for the New Tab Page

Anton Kreuzkamp akreuzkamp at web.de
Tue Aug 7 11:12:35 UTC 2012

During my vacation the last two weeks, I've thought of a concept for a better 
structure of the new tab page. To avoid it to go to /dev/null, like Pierre's 
concept unfortunately did, I'd like to get an OK before I start implementing 

Instead of invoking actions via reloading the page with a special url (like 
about:preview/add), I'd create a Q_INVOKABLE function for each action inside 
NewTabPage and expose the NewTabPage object to JS. Then the actions would be 
triggered via JS.
Moreover, I'd also do the loading of sections via JS, so I'd make the 
favoritesPage(),bookmarksPage(),... -functions Q_INVOKABLEs, too, which means, 
we simply have to invoke those functions from within JS and the new section 
will be shown. (The section-creating functions themselves need nearly no 
change at all.) The newtabpage-class-structure would then look something like 
that: http://paste.kde.org/530210/

This concept brings
-slightly better performance (we don't need to always reload the whole page)
-more power (some things, like an icon-selection-dialog, are simply not doable 
(sensibly), without the possibility to invoke c++-functions from js) and
-a imo way easier understandable code.

Regards, Anton

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