[rekonq] rekonq presentation site

Andrea Diamantini adjam7 at gmail.com
Tue May 17 18:15:25 CEST 2011

Hi all,
as I'm going to a meeting [1] to talk about rekonq in this weekend, I 
prepared some "slides"
about the argument. As I'm absolutely an "office software reluctant" I 
preferred playing a bit
with my small HTML+CSS skills and realized this site [2].
It contains just a few points about the argument, but it will be nice to 
improve/enlarge it and embed/insert into our official website.

Hints/corrections/suggestions are every time welcome.


[1] http://bj.viglug.org/ (warning: italian language)
[2] http://www.adjam.org/rekonq/

Andrea Diamantini, adjam
GPG Fingerprint: 57DE 8E32 7D1A 0E16 AA52 59D8 84F9 3ECD DBF9 730F

rekonq project
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