[rekonq] Question about QtWebKit history

Andrea Diamantini adjam7 at gmail.com
Sun Jan 23 17:36:45 CET 2011

Hi all,

This mail to talk to you about a long standing rekonq bug, someway related to 
(qt)webkit history management.
I'm talking here about QWebHistory and about what will become the tab history.
Currently in rekonq, our back/forward buttons are the only features based on 
that class.
It happens, when loading some particular pages (basically the rekonq pages: 
the about, file, ftp protocol links and the kpart integration ones) that tab 
history is not correctly saved.
This works well from QtWebKit POV. In fact we load all that pages through the 
setHtml() method, that explicitely say does not update history.
The same does NOT work well from our POV. In fact, browsing more than 2 
special urls in sequence, history is not correctly stored (i.e. not stored at 
all) and back/forward buttons don't work well.

To properly address this problem, I see a bunch of solutions:

1) Implement a new tab history from scratch to let it save all visited links.

2) ask QtWebKit devs (or implement it on our own, pushing the patch) a method 
to push a new url in the QWebHistory.

As I don't like noone of these solutions, I'm here to ask: what do you think 
can be better?

Andrea Diamantini, adjam
GPG Fingerprint: 57DE 8E32 7D1A 0E16 AA52 59D8 84F9 3ECD DBF9 730F

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