[rekonq] Re: [RFC] Better Integration of Web Applications into Window Management

Benjamin Poulain benjamin.poulain at nokia.com
Tue Jan 11 20:05:17 CET 2011

On 01/10/2011 07:11 PM, ext Martin Gräßlin wrote:
> My idea would be more revolutionary and is nevertheless technically feasible.
> Rekonq would have to tell us  (kwin/plasma) which web applications are
> available (either through dbus or X), there names, their icon and their
> thumbnail. Now KWin could include these web applications as "children" to the
> actual window. Both our effect framework as our alt+tab solution are
> abstracted enough from windows to allow this. E.g. alt+tab is also able to
> manage desktops. Also in Plasma I think that this is no problem to integrate
> as there is the libtaskmanager and the tasks dataengine.

The more I read about this, the less I understand what is the 
revolutionary idea. :(

Could you summarize that in an example? Let say I have a web app: 
"Google docs". It registers to the browser to handle .odt files and be 
available offline.

What do you suggest on top of that?

My point of view is the engine should add an icon for such apps (the 
user is asked for that of course), and the icon opens a chromeless 
browser window.
If the same app is opened in the browser, it is not chromeless, it 
behave as usual window.


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