[rekonq] Re: Re : [RFC] Better Integration of Web Applications into Window Management

Andrea Diamantini adjam7 at gmail.com
Tue Jan 11 18:51:17 CET 2011

On Tuesday 11 January 2011 15:31:57 Lionel Chauvin wrote:
> Hi Martin,
> >Nevertheless they would still live in the browser.
> If I understand well your idea, some tabs of rekonq will have their own
> entries in the task list and some will not.
> I propose a better idea:
> Create a dedicated version of rekonq for web apps.
> This version will:
> - show the icon of the website as icon of the window
> - remove the name of rekonq in the title of the window (I don't know how
> but I am sure it is possible), only keep the name of the website (eg.
> Google map). - clic on a link: if it is a internal link of the website
> then open it in the web app window else open it in the normal rekonq
> version.

I'm not 100% sure of this but I think we should just implement a "special 
window" for web apps.
This "special window" should have all the features Lionel said (but, being a 
window, integration with kwin or any other win manager is just done...).
Having it, we need just another one thing: understand what links go to web 
apps. if you are a web app and your link go to a web app, you open there, 
otherwise you emit a loadUrl(url, Rekonq::Type*) and it's done.

To understand if a link is a web app, we can create a db, ask user (with a 
spin in the tab menu) or check for metatags.

Keep it Simple :D

* adding Rekonq::WebApp to our types :)

Andrea Diamantini, adjam
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