[rekonq] Re: [RFC] Better Integration of Web Applications into Window Management

Benjamin Poulain benjamin.poulain at nokia.com
Tue Jan 11 18:13:34 CET 2011

On 01/10/2011 07:11 PM, ext Martin Gräßlin wrote:
 > I am not subscribed to this list, please keep me in CC!

May I suggest you to register? :)
It is going to be way easier

> First let me describe the current situation:
> More and more web applications are replacing standalone desktop applications.
> A good example is gmail replacing kmail, but there are also applications like
> Facebook or Google StreetView which never existed as a desktop client. As
> "cloud" seems to be the buzzword of the decade I do not expect the trend to
> stop, even if I do not like web applications (as my day job I am writing web
> applications).

There are a few discussion going on on W3C regarding applications in the 
browser, like metatags to get chromeless browser.

HTML 5 has somes integration features as well: 
navigator.registerProtocolHandler(), navigator.registerContentHandler(), 

It is worth considering if you want any tab to be able to act as an 
application, or only the one that ask to be considered like that.

 > My idea would be more revolutionary and is nevertheless technically
 > feasible. Rekonq would have to tell us  (kwin/plasma) which web
 > applications are available (either through dbus or X), there names,
 > their icon and their thumbnail. Now KWin could include these web
 > applications as "children" to the actual window. Both our effect
 > framework as our alt+tab solution are abstracted enough from windows
 > to allow this. E.g. alt+tab is also able to manage desktops. Also in
 > Plasma I think that this is no problem to integrate as there is the
 > libtaskmanager and the tasks dataengine.

That does not sounds like a big deal to implement on Rekonq's side. IE 
and Firefox do that as well on Windows.

But would someone really want to alt-tab over each tab of a window? I 
typically have a few dozens of tabs open.

This is also going in the opposite direction of what you suggest in the 
introduction. Web application should have their own chromeless window.


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