[rekonq] Re: Using custom webkit builds

benjamin.poulain at nokia.com benjamin.poulain at nokia.com
Sun Jan 9 03:38:35 CET 2011

> I'm working on adding spell checking to WebKit and have a custom build of it
> with its own include, library path etc.
> Not terribly up on cmake - is there an easy way via environment paths etc to
> build rekonq using my webkit build?

What I do is "make install" of WebKit trunk in my custom Qt, and I always build Rekonq with my custom Qt :)

But for the spell checking, I think you should work without using Rekonq at first. In WebKit trunk, there is a launcher to test features directly. For WebKit1, the launcher is QtTestBrowser (WebKitBuild/Release/bin/QtTestBrowser).

Ideally, when the feature is ready, spell checking should work out of the box if you have the right platform plugin. Do you need any change to Rekonq in order to get the spell checking to work?


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