[rekonq] Re: Spell checking

Benjamin Poulain benjamin.poulain at nokia.com
Mon Jan 3 13:22:36 CET 2011

On 01/03/2011 01:03 PM, ext Lindsay Mathieson wrote:
> True, but I doubt I have the skill or time to make that level of change to
> QtWebkit.

I do not think it is a hard patch for WebKit because the support already 
exist, 'all you need to do' is plug it with a Qt interface. I am not 
saying is trivial, but I think it is at a ok level for a newcomer.

> Also they're already working on it, but the time scale is extended ...

I work in the team developing QtWebKit and I can tell you nobody is 
working on that at the moment.

Morten started a month ago but moved to another project.


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