[rekonq] About Rekonq doc

andrea diamantini adjam7 at gmail.com
Fri Sep 3 15:54:58 CEST 2010

The sense here is just that working on git(orious) allows us to have a lot
of occasional contributors.
The docs as example has been mainly written by two-three guys with just a 2
days work (and 2 commits each).
And I cannot remember more than that from them.
Just to clarify: there are probably 20-30 people around the "so called
rekonq project". But just 2-3 of them have a kde (git, svn) account.
I can say to anyone (and I do) to ask for an account, but numbers are the
ones I said.
So, I need a way to manage all contributions coming from them. This way is
the "merge request". It works really well here.
What I proposed here is a place to collect these merge requests.
On the other side, I understand your needs to manage in the easiest way
possible this sort of things. So, I really don't know what's the best thing
to do.
Probably, leaving docs untranslated? :)
Helping Albert to improve the scripty kid for git? Syncing rekonq docs dir
with the right place in svn?

2010/8/31 Burkhard Lück <lueck at hube-lueck.de>

> Am Dienstag, 31. August 2010, um 19:28:49 schrieb Andrea Diamantini:
> > The right way should be working on docs in svn. The problem is that the 2
> > or 3 guys working on it don't have svn access for.
> It is really easy to get an svn account in kde.
> > I guess the simplest
> > way should be creating a new repository on gitorious for "rekonq docs",
> to
> > git svn sync every time with svn docs.
> >
> Please not an additional repository for rekonq.
> And please do not "sync" two writable repositories, that does not make any
> sense to me.
> > If this sounds good to all the parts, I'll ask for it in a while.
> >
> Sorry to say, but as longs as there is no replacement for my current
> workflow
> regarding i18n and documentation (svn up k* e* p* l10n-kde4/*) everything
> switching to git simply gets out of my radar...
> --
> Burkhard Lück
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