[rekonq] rekonq in Kubuntu 10.10

Markus kamikazow at web.de
Thu May 20 16:49:30 CEST 2010

Am Donnerstag 20 Mai 2010, 16:21:04 schrieb Jonathan Riddell:

> "No problems" is debateable, plenty people complained about that

Yet your colleagues did it again with Thunderbird 3.0 IIRC. ;-)

> and it's something we don't want to do.

I think shipping a pre-release of rekonq would not be as dramatic as with 
Firefox for the simple reason that QtWebKit and KDE's wrapper around it won't 
be beta or RC, but final.
I can't speak for Andrea, but my personal opinion as a more involved user is 
that as long as you don't ship pre-releases of Qt and/or QtWebKit, the 
benefits of an almost final rekonq version outweigh the "stability" of an old 
final release.
Will 0.5 even get updates by Andrea and the others? Will you provide workforce 
to backport fixes? Honestly, I doubt that the answer to any of these questions 
is yes.

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