[rekonq] Re: Rekonq crashes after drag and drop to bookmars bar or anywhere dopable

Yoann Laissus yoann.laissus at gmail.com
Tue Dec 28 03:47:40 CET 2010


The drag of a tab isn't correctly handle in your patch :
You have to call startDragging() directly in mouseMoveEvent() instead
of leaveEvent(). To achieve that, you have to store the position of
the click (in mousePressEvent) in a QPoint.
Then, you compare the difference between the old and the new position
(in mouseMoveEvent). If it's greater than QApplication::dragDistance()
you can start the drag.

For more information, you can look the dragging code in the
BookmarkToolBar class. (line 400)

After modifying that, every drag is successfully dropped (in the BK
toolbar and the webview). Then for change the tab order inside the
QListWidget, I think you have to reimplement
QListWidget::dropMimeData(...) instead of dropEvent.


2010/12/27 Furkan Üzümcü <furkanuzumcu at gmail.com>:
>  I don't understand where I make the mistake. When I drag and drop a tab
> from the tab list (you can activate it under tools menu) to any dropable
> widget Rekonq crashes on exit. When this problem is solved my task is
> complete please help! >> http://pastebin.com/zFBQwg84
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Yoann Laissus

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