[rekonq] Re: Review Request: go through website history with horizontal scroll wheel buttons

Felix Rohrbach fxrh at gmx.de
Mon Dec 20 18:17:48 CET 2010

Am Montag, 20. Dezember 2010, 17:35:52 schrieb todd rme:
> I would say this should definitely not be the default.  
It is not default in my patch.

> Practically every
> mouse that has a horizontal scroll also has back/forward buttons, so for
> most users this would be redundant and break existing functionality
> (scrolling horizontally). The only cases I can think of where this might
> be useful are touchpads -- KDE currently does not support assigning
> anything but scroll events to touch pad edges -- and the mac mighty mouse.
>  But pretty much every conventional mouse on the market today has
> back/forward buttons, so this would be a step backwards for the vast
> majority of users.
At least I have a mouse that has no back/forward button but horizontal scroll. 
And Opera wouldn't use this as default if there are only a few of them.

> -Todd

- Felix

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