[rekonq] Re : rekonq HomePage

Andrea Diamantini adjam7 at gmail.com
Fri Sep 18 10:07:50 CEST 2009

On Thursday 17 September 2009 18:10:44 MatthieuG wrote:
> If Webkit takes ages to draw a simple page that is not loaded from the
> internet, why are chrome and rekonq so fast ?
> In Rekonq's HomePage branch, thumbs are generated in native code and shown
>  in html. It can't be slower than loading,  for instance, www.kde.org . It
>  don't know what they did in Chrome but I think the perfomance issue is in
>  the HomePageEmbedded branch in what webkit has to load and draw one
>  webpage for each thumbnail.

I'm quite decided for the HomePageEmbedded branch and now it's the right 
moment to speak about.
I'm aware there are some "loading" problems about. But it's not that bad. And 
we gain a lot of semplicity and robustness compared to the HomePage branch.
Loading and snapping webpages is very slower than rendering the pages.

Again, we have the predicted trade-off. 
Showing common sites, you need just one time to grab images (very slow, about 
20 seconds) and then viewing the homepage is "superfaster".
With the HomePageEmbedded branch, you load every time from 1 to 10 sites (the 
homepage + 0 to 9 previews). It tooks.. don't know how much time. The 
important thing is that the homepage is just ready and we don't need 
mechanisms to retrieve images every time user change sites.

So, what's best?

> About the Plasma idea, the mockup is beautiful but looking at plasma code,
>  I think it isn't compatible with Rekonq's lightweightness.
> Plasma-Netbook has 4 classes in shell + 3 containments (2 classes each) +
>  svg files + some specific widgets.
> Current HomePage implementation will always need only one class (+websnap)

I tried in my local branch a simple implementation of that. I used just 2 
classes and about 100 LOC to show a pager and a calendar in rekonq homepage.
And I'm thinking now (while writing..) that we could for example load a 
plasmoid (rss?) into a webview. And load it trough the qt/plugin mechanism.. 

We are browsers.. :)

Andrea Diamantini, adjam
GPG Fingerprint: 57DE 8E32 7D1A 0E16 AA52 59D8 84F9 3ECD DBF9 730F

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