[rekonq] rekonq HomePage

Matthieu Gicquel matgic78 at gmail.com
Thu Sep 17 22:45:24 CEST 2009

On my (old, that's right) computer, plasma-netbook takes 5 seconds to
load but rekonq could be faster (and simpler). We could leave plasma
in memory to get an instant load after the first time but what about
memory footprint ?
I think that dealing with two big libs ( QtWebkit &
Plasma/QGraphicsView) is  not a good idea for a lightweight app.  I
need 40 minutes to compile amarok and they don't say it is
But the idea is amazing and i will write an applet to show websites
previews when i will find time. It will at least be on my desktop :-)
Waiting for more infos about performance, memory usage and complexity
to create it... Do you know a plasma expert ?

2009/9/17, megabigbug <megabigbug at yahoo.fr>:
> Le jeudi 17 septembre 2009 18:10:44, MatthieuG a écrit :
>>  I think it isn't compatible with Rekonq's lightweightness.
>> Plasma-Netbook has 4 classes in shell + 3 containments (2 classes each) +
>>  svg files + some specific widgets.
>> Current HomePage implementation will always need only one class (+websnap)
> You are probably right.
> Have you tested Plasma-Netbook ? Is it long to be loaded ? (in a window, not
> as a full desktop)
> Amarok also use a plasma and does not load fast but it is perhaps the
> database
> not the plasma.
> Lancelot is not really long to load and it uses plasma.
> I am not a Plasma expert :)
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