[rekonq] KDE shortcuts

Ronny Scholz ronny_scholz at web.de
Sun Oct 25 11:50:12 CET 2009

Am Sonntag, 25. Oktober 2009 11:21:39 schrieb Andrea Diamantini:
> On Sunday 25 October 2009 11:08:41 Ronny Scholz wrote:
> > Am Sonntag, 25. Oktober 2009 10:51:27 schrieb Andrea Diamantini:
> > > We added the F11 shortcut that comes from browser experience. That's
> > > all. If an user add a "Global" shortcut (in this case, a KWin one) he
> > > has 3 shortcuts to start a feature.
> > > It's true he cannot see the "global" shortcut in rekonq shortcut
> > > settings. But that's because that shortcut is not a rekonq settings. No
> > > way to show it, also setting no app shortcuts.
> >
> > If this is possible this discussion would be solved. But I cannot
> > reproduce it. I've set Ctrl+# as global secondary shortcut for fullscreen
> > (just to test it) but it does not work in rekonq. It seems like the
> > global shortcuts are overwritten by the local ones, not extended.
> Now I see your problem (and ours, perhaps)! You are saying "Global"
>  shortcut but you are speaking about "Standard" shortcuts.
> Isn't it?

Hm, this confuses me.

Just to make my terminology clear:
global shortcut = the one provided by KDE system settings
local shortcut = the shortcut set by rekonq
default shortcut = default setting (global: Ctrl+Shift+F, local: Ctrl+Shift+F 
or F11)

What do you mean with "standard shortcut"? The common standard as of F for 
players and F11 for browsers?

What I wanted to discuss is that, for the sake of consistency and synchrony, 
rekonq should fall back to global shortcuts whereever possible (i.e. does not 
redefine them).

As I understood you, you meant that local shortcuts (rekonq) are extended by 
the global ones (KDE), which finally gives an action up to 4 shortcuts (KDE 
primary, KDE secondary, rekonq primary, rekonq secondary). I cannot reproduce 

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