[rekonq] Re : Firefox 4 mockups

Lionel Chauvin megabigbug at yahoo.fr
Wed Oct 7 10:39:00 CEST 2009

>You are reading pcinpact too !

I suppose you are french, have you got a gtalk/jabber account ? 
I can also launch a mumble server and a libfinity server if you are interested by a real time colaborative work on rekonq.

>I like this idea
>On remarquera en outre que certains onglets sont colorés : le but serait de reprendre la couleur dominante de chaque site pour identifier visuellement l’onglet correspondant.

I like this idea of tabs with same colors than webpages. I don't think it is difficult to do, but we have too many unfinished tasks.


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