[rekonq] New String improvements

Panagiotis Papadopoulos pano_90 at gmx.net
Sat May 2 21:56:14 CEST 2009


I once again made some improvements to the strings in rekonq:
Some are simple typo corrections (Javascript -> JavaScript) and others are string changes in order to "ensure compliance" with the KDE Human Interface Guidelines (for example items in Combo boxes have to be written in "Book Title Case").

Another thing I changed is the description of rekonq:

-      I18N_NOOP("KDE Browser Webkit Based");                                                                                           
+    I18N_NOOP("Webkit Based Browser for KDE");  

The current desription sounds very weird to me, so I changed it to somnething more "not-so-weird-sounding" string ;-)

I also added some "TODO remarks" to strings that currently are pretty hard to translate, without knowing the context of the string. The problem is that the strings are "separated" although they actually together form one sentence an example:

     QString introMessage = i18n("<qt>Enter username and password for ") +                                                               
                            Qt::escape(reply->url().toString()) + i18n(" at ") + Qt::escape(reply->url().toString()) + "</qt>";  

so I added  a remark like the following to it:
     //TODO: Please convert this string to i18n("<qt>Enter username and password for %1 at %2</qt>")                                    

I know that this is possible, but because I can't code at all, I can't do this myself.

Also, I think it would be nice if this time I would get an answer to this mail:
I already posted some of my improvements in my last "String improvement" email, but some of them were not applied, and I still don't know why, as I didn't get any reply.

Thank you

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