[rekonq] Awesome bar Idea: KRunner

Ivan Čukić ivan.cukic+kde at gmail.com
Thu Jul 30 21:56:21 CEST 2009

On Thursday 30 July 2009 21:03:12 Lionel Chauvin wrote:
> > This is a great (strike that and replace with AWESOME) idea,
> he he :) this is the kind of feature that will differenciate Rekonq from
> Arora.
> > but it does
> > have a few (solvable) issues:
> Yes, I imagine that it will not be so easy :(
No, it really is easy (I've connected krunner's classes with my custom data 
models without any hassle whatsoever)

> Mix ?
I just meant that we should have a larger degree of control about which 
runners from plasma are used in rekonq, and vice-versa.

As an example (the first that came to my mind, not really a useful one), we 
could have a runner with rekonq commands "back", "forward", "view source" and 
whatnot, and that will be useless in the real krunner.

> Combine webshortcuts and opensearch would be great. Before modifying
> Rekonq, these runners can be tested with KRunner.

> Can you share your knowlege ?
The main problem with krunner is that it is thread-based - so you need to 
thread softly (pun intended :) ) while using it.

The rest is quite simple - just submit the query to it, and listen for 
results, and sort them by relevance.


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