[rekonq] [RFC] Removing rekonq menubar

Lionel Chauvin megabigbug at yahoo.fr
Wed Jul 29 23:17:17 CEST 2009

> Print, for instance? I see there is a "Print preview" in the menu you can
> get from the "Wrench" icon but no print.

It is on my TODO list to replace "Print preview" by "Print" if we remove the 
menubar. Who print a webpage without a preview ?

> Also (and sorry for using the 'mother argument'), but if you take non-tech
> savvy users, how many of them will have the reflex to click on the "wrench"
> icon to find items such as "history"?

When you look at the rekonq UI you don't have many choices ^^
The argument can be reverted, my mother doesn't have the reflex to click on 
"File" to print a webpage, nor click on "Edit" to find a keyword in a page. She 
will click on the "wrench" if there is only that.

> I think it's also psychological. The menu offers an unwritten guarantee
> that it will present all available actions of the application, while
> traditionally, toolbars offer only a subset.

It is true for an application like koffice, but a browser have a limited number 
of actions.

> Additionally, it would also be more consistent with regards to other KDE
> applications, which do offer a menu.

With this kind of arguments, KDE will never change, and will never be used.

> I also wonder what advantage there would in forcefully depriving users of
> this familiar UI element? It's not exactly a huge amount of code...

Yes, this is why I proposed to hide it by default but keep it available in the 

The problem is that we begun to separate "use actions" and "settings actions". 
"use actions" in the wrench :) , "settings actions" in the configuration panel.

It is not relevent to keep a menu mixing these action categories.

Thanks :)

(sorry for the duplicated mail Emmanuel)

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