[rekonq] Re : screenshot of my current rekong: no menu by default

Lionel Chauvin megabigbug at yahoo.fr
Thu Jul 16 12:01:35 CEST 2009

>I read again my comment about this and I think I need to explain myself a bit 
>better (my english really sucks sometimes..)

I have the same problem with english :)

>Point 1: 
>your screenshot is F-A-N-T-A-S-T-I-C ! I just grabbed your code and 
>reimplemented in my local copy. I need just to understand how we can hide 
>menubar by default (in a first installation) and rekonq 0.1.10 will be ready. 
>With just your suggestions! 

If we choose a button-menu by default, I think the configuration panel must be modified to include items:
Configure toolbars
Configure shortcuts
Switch application language
and perhaps others: all actions configuring rekonq. kde applications
have many menu items that are useless when you use the application.

Print panels must also be fusionned. We don't need 2 items in the button-menu.

What is "web inspector" ? it is for web developers ? if it is a
configuration, it must go to the "configure rekonq" panel, if it is an
action for developers (like Page source) we must create a submenu
"Develop" (in the button-menu).

>Point 2:
>I think it's time to stop dev for rekonq and start processes (bugfixes, 
>translations and so on) for rekonq 0.2 release. So, other changes (discussions 
>on statusbar vs popus, history and bookmarks menu, rekonqrun and multitask 
>rekonq, etc..) will be postponed for 0.3 release.


>Point 3:
>I suggested you in my comment to try using a bit better git potential.
>Main idea behind git are "branches". And my git idea is "One feature = One 
>branch". You should never use master branch for dev and so on, but just to 
>link with others repos. And to maintain a "stable" sw version.
>You can easily merge (when one feature is ready) your branches with your 
>master or with mine (performing a merge request).
>So, master is always "safe" and a good starting point for a new idea. 

Ok, I'll try this afternoon.

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