[rekonq] (My) Rekonq ROADMAP

Panagiotis Papadopoulos pano_90 at gmx.net
Mon Aug 24 00:17:52 CEST 2009

Am Sonntag 23 August 2009 23:02:54 schrieb Andrea Diamantini:
> I'm writing this just to declare my intentions and to say about what I'm going 
> to work play about. If someone is interested in doing something different or 
> before than waiting for me, he/she/it is obviously free to do.
> 0.3 target
> - no menubar (DONE in rekonq 0.2.51)
> - definitely fix NetworkAccessManager (seems working, try1 in rekonq 0.2.52)
> - decide for a definitive UI
> - one urlbar (DONE in rekonq 0.2.51)
> - user.css support (patch submitted somewhere)
> - KDE history support (remove autosave class)
> - KDE proxy support
> -----> from here on we'll have full KDE support!!
> - session management
> - docs
> - unit tests
> -----> ask for extragear/network && rekonq.kde.org domain and web space (with 
> someone here but me (pano?) as webmaster)

I would be glad to do this :-) Btw: I still didn't manage to understand how to "modify" the website on sourceforge :-P Sourceforge somehow is a bit weird sometimes...

> - RELEASE rekonq 0.3 into extragear/network
> dontknowhen target
> - speed-dial homePage
> - krunner bar
> - new rekonq web site
> - kwallet
> - ad-block
> - improved info in the urlbar
> after 0.3 target
> - multitasking

I like the plans for 0.3. "Release early, release often" probably is the best way :-)

btw: Some Idea I just got:

What about posting this Roadmaps to a (dedicated?) wiki (or even use trac, although that might be too much :-P)?
That way people can more easily follow rekonq's development, and "planned" stuff would be easier to manage.

What do you think?


Panagiotis Papadopoulos

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