[rekonq] Date of release / Some questions about translations

Panagiotis Papadopoulos pano_90 at gmx.net
Fri Aug 7 01:29:33 CEST 2009


As I'm also working on the German translation of rekonq, I'd like to know the aprox. date of the release of 0.2 :-)
Also we should consider writing an email to kde-i18n-doc about the upcoming release, to have the translators know about the upcoming release:
This way we might get some more "finished translations" for rekonq.
Adding rekonq to http://techbase.kde.org/Schedules/Extragear might also be helpful (I'm not sure whether it fits there though, as rekonq is in playground...)

Something I would like to know:
How are the translations going to be "included" to the 0.2 release? Will you simply copy the translations, that meet a specific condition (e.g. ~75% translated) into a directory and add some lines to the CMakeLists, so that the po files get "compiled" too, or is there some other way?

Thanks  :-)


Panagiotis Papadopoulos
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