[Raptor-Menu] Development status of the menu

Riccardo Iaconelli riccardo at kde.org
Sun Aug 31 17:39:38 CEST 2008

On Sunday 31 August 2008 17:07:20 Siraj Razick wrote:
> yeah we can see what can be reused during integration phase, right now
> immediate focus should be on getting the most required components online. 
> having to change the core each time we need to add a new model or a view
> isn't the right move. it's ideal to get  the right thing on.. than what's
> quick and dirty ;-).

Sure, but if we do a generic view, using the model/view approach, we alraedy 
have a (working) generic view and then we can simply write the core if we see 
that already existing code is not enough for what we want. =)

So, it's not writing any more code, just concentrating on one component at a 
time just gives us a faster (and less buggy) development of the view, and a 
chance of not having to write from scratch the thing that gives the data to 
the view. How does that sound?

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