Friday Calls are back on!

Aleix Pol aleixpol at
Fri Jul 2 16:13:01 BST 2021

On Fri, Jul 2, 2021 at 3:19 AM Aleix Pol <aleixpol at> wrote:
> Hi all,
> As discussed in our last call, we've stopped the weekly calls for
> Akademy. Today 2nd July then will be the next one at 4pm in our usual
> channel:
> Suggested Agenda:
> - Akademy recap on Plasma Mobile
> - Documentation, we discussed it at length last call, CCing Frederik
> and Carl who had a bunch of tasks on the topic
> - KDE Mobile Gear 21.07 status
> - Performance work, good practices
> Of course feel free to suggest more topics here or to bring them up
> during the call. See you soon!
> Aleix

Hi everyone, thanks for joining!

Here's the notes I took:

* Akademy recap on Plasma Mobile
    * Neochat bof
    * Chat components bof
    * creating apps bof
    * top drawer design
* Documentation, we discussed it at length last call, CCing Frederik
and Carl who had a bunch of tasks on the topic
still open
    * slowly moving to sphinx as discussed at the bof
* KDE Mobile Gear 21.07 status
    * TODO Aleix reach out to PIM, discuss what our overal calendaring
vision should be.
* Performance work, good practices
* Modem stability and future
    * ofono is not handling certain things nicely
        * maintainership issues, development is not very active
    * Should we port to modemmanager?
    * There are 3 different ofonos. kernel's, canonical's (ubuntu
touch), sailfishos's
    * What would be necessary?
        * Porting the modem manager settings to a mobile-friendly UX
        * dialer
        * spacebar (sms)
        * sim unlocking
        * modem indicator
        * modemmanagerqt is not complete
    * TODO Bhushan Reach out to Ubuntu Phone
* Phabricator cleanup
    * TODO Bhushan

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