Peruse in KDEReview

Dan Leinir Turthra Jensen admin at
Fri Oct 23 15:16:39 BST 2020

On Wednesday, 21 October 2020 11:39:32 BST Dan Leinir Turthra Jensen wrote:
>   Just under a month since that reminder above went out, so i thought i'd
> give a quick poke and say that unless i hear opinions otherwise, i'll
> consider this an agreement that things are in decent order, and i will move
> Peruse to its new home in extragear/graphics/peruse on Friday the 23rd of
> October (that is, in two days). Thanks for the comments people have already
> made, too, while of course they were not super numerous, they were
> constructive and encouraging!

  As forewarned, the move has now been completed. Thank you again to those who 
commented, highly useful and helpful stuff from everybody :)
..dan / leinir..

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